15 min
40 Australian dollars45 min
120 Australian dollars45 min
120 Australian dollars1 hr 30 min
150 Australian dollars1 hr 30 min
150 Australian dollars1 hr 30 min
200 Australian dollars1 hr 30 min
250 Australian dollars45 min
120 Australian dollarsA cosmic map into 2025 and beyond! Complete with Moon Map, Printed Guide and 12 Month Card Reading.
2 hr
225 Australian dollars

You Are A
Have you ever questioned your destiny, purpose and life path on this journey?
Do you find yourself curious to learn more about what makes you unique?
Spiritually, are you evolving?
Is love, self love, and empowerment a language you desire to understand?
1:1 with your Birth Chart over 3 x sessions, this offering is designed to celebrate the universal gifts, science and cosmic alliance, that created you to be unique -
an original human masterpiece!
Follow the journey on social media to stay up to date on what's happening in the calendar also.